NEWS! 2023.05.08~05.20 個展 ”Spectral Painting"
NEWS! 2023.03.29発売の
NEWS! 2022.10.19~10.21 第20回アートギャラリーホーム作品募集〔指名コンペ部門〕 入選 作品収蔵
大西 由莉 / Yuri Onishi
1983年 愛知県名古屋市で育つ。
2008年 武蔵野美術大学大学院造形研究科修士課程美術専攻油絵コース修了
-Solo Exhibition-
2023年 「Spectral Painting」 (ギャルリー東京ユマニテbis)
2020年 「spielraum vol.02 / 遊動空間」 (ギャルリー東京ユマニテbis)
2018年 「spielraum / 遊動空間」 (ギャルリー東京ユマニテbis)
2017年 「geometric chant / キカガクテキナウタ」 (ギャルリー東京ユマニテbis)
2016年 「luminous sky」 (ギャルリー東京ユマニテbis)
2012年 「Irisの宙、6と28の間」(新宿眼科画廊)
2011年 「蝶の翅色はミドリ」(新宿眼科画廊)
-Group Exhibition-
2022年 「地に立つ、宙に浮く / Stand on the Ground, Float in the Air」 大西由莉・庄子和宏 展 gFAL(Musashino Art University,tokyo)
2021年 「SICF22」 EXHIBITION部門 (スパイラルホール)
2022年 第20回アートギャラリーホーム作品募集〔指名コンペ部門〕 入選
2022年 アートオリンピア2022 入選
2020年 第38回 上野の森美術館大賞展 入選(賞候補)
2019年 シェル美術賞 2019 入選
2019年 第37回 上野の森美術館大賞展 入選
2016年 第52回 神奈川県美術展 入選
2015年 ワンダーシード2015 入選
2011年 第6回大黒屋現代アート公募展 入選
2008年 武蔵野美術大学大学院修了展 優秀賞
2006年 武蔵野美術大学卒業制作展 研究室賞
大西 由莉 / Yuri Onishi
作品タイトルの一つ、spielraum(独)のspielenには、動詞で遊ぶという意味や、弾く・演奏する、球技スポーツをするという意味がある。余地や隙間、間隔を感じさせつつ、弦が振動して音の粒子が空間を動き回るというような感覚がある。間隔、リズムという意味を持つinterval(英) よりも楽しそうに音の粒子が踊りながらくるくる回転して空間中を縦横無尽に、弾んで遊び回っている感じがして、気に入ってタイトルにつけている。もしかしたら時には原子や素粒子などは直進せずにワープもしながら進んでいるかもしれない。「流動的」ではなく「遊動的」に余地や隙間をつくって何事も避難経路が欲しいものだ。震災の時に余地や考えられた隙間があることは大切だなと考えてしまった。
Something exists even in empty space.
Electrons rotate due to perpetual surpluses or deficiencies.
The German word spielraum—also one of the work titles—signifies in its verb form spielen “to play,” “to play or recite (an instrument),” or “to play ball sports.” When a string of an instrument vibrates, one can experience a sensation like that of particles moving around in the room, making one attentive to the space, gaps and interstices. I chose spielraum as a title over the English word “interval,” which bears the meaning of “rhythm,” due to the enjoyable sense it gives of sound particles dancing, spinning, and moving freely in space. Atoms and subatomic particles may not always travel in straight lines, moving instead in distorted trajectories. What I seek is an escape route for everything, by creating spaces and gaps that are not “fluid” but “playful.” It is through my experience of earthquakes that I came to consider the importance of the spaces and gaps that I had conceived in my work.
I thought in this way even while making work before the outbreak of Covid-19, but ultimately it is always important to have spaces, gaps, and the ability to think in all directions, at all times. In answer to the comment I received from Professor Aomi Okabe in the catalogue for the 2007 Graduation Works Exhibition at Musashino Art University, I hope I can always paint while “finding dignified freedom in the luminous image that drifts as a ‘ghost’ (used here to signify “spectrum” in Latin) without returning to a sense of unease.”
I wish to expand painting to the pure realm of the spectral.
Since 2000, I have been working on the theme of what exists between the visible and invisible, and between one thing (material) and another.
In a painting series ongoing since 2000, I combine classical oil painting techniques of the Renaissance with those of Eastern ink painting while establishing the white “ground” of the canvas as the starting point (0, zero). Through the application of thin, transparent layers of paint and the repeated action of regeneration/restoration by adding (+), subtracting (−), painting (creating) and erasing (destroying), works in this series express “light” and “elementary particles” through the scraping away of color and contours to the point where the concrete motif oscillates between visibility and invisibility. Since 2002, I have drawn inspiration from Formalism to create abstract paintings with an emphasis on structure. Adopting natural structures, geometry, and fractals as motifs, these works combine pale, delicate and soft colors and brushstrokes with touches of bold vivid color on the same canvas.
Used both as a title for an exhibition and work series, spielraum means “margin,” “gap” or “playful space” in German. While in recent years I have adopted the theme of what exists between things visible and invisible, and between one thing (matter) and another, I am currently extending the “ground” of the canvas—the starting point (0, zero)—to include the space (void) between the weft and warp of the fabric itself. Thus, my practice comprises two methods: paintings in which the support is reconstructed after pulling apart the existing canvas, and paintings that begin with the making of the support.
In order to expand the support and wavelength range of colors, I retain the oil painting techniques of the Renaissance and basic structure of Western painting—wooden frame, canvas and oil paints—while at the same time incorporating phenomena such as reflections of light and the atoms, elementary particles, and other substances that exist and move freely in space to create paintings [solid] in which the support embraces space (void) and a greater permeability.
While intricately interweaving several layers that include the support, the motifs are sometimes pulled apart and sublimated into an abstract picture plane, resulting in paintings that propose a new structure and visuality in which space is not “fluid” but “playful.”
I want to transcend distances even only a little, like particles moving around freely in space.
Yuri Onishi